New team applications now being accepted

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The Essex Alliance Football League is looking to build on a successful first season and invite new teams to join us for an exciting 2015/16 season ahead.
Formed through the alliance of two local leagues in 2014, the competition has gone from strength to strength with tremendous competition throughout every division this season. The season will of course reach it's exciting climax with our cup finals to be held at Dagenham & Redbridge FC in May.
The greatest selling tool for our league is you, our clubs and our referees. With your help, we hope to attract new teams who may be looking to form in time for next season, existing clubs adding additional teams or perhaps teams in other leagues who want a fresh challenge. We will open our arms equally to any of those types of sides.
We are currently in the process of producing A3 flyers which we hope to pin up in a number of locations where potential new clubs/players may see it. If you are able to post a flyer on our behalf somewhere yourselves, please get in touch and we'll happily put one or two in the post to you.
For anybody interested in applying, please visit our applications microwebsite.