Key dates during the season

Key dates during the season


By 1st July

County affiliation
Arrange affiliation with county FA (i.e. Essex FA or London FA)
For Essex FA, speak with Fran Smith (01245) 393083,

Affiliation process for new clubs will involve agreeing the name of the club, providing a club code of conduct/rules (templates available) and evidence of a bank account in the club’s name 

Affiliation can take place after 1st July but this could incur a late affiliation fee and possible block entry into county cup competitions. In any case, clubs must have completed affiliation before participating in friendly or competitive fixtures.

While affiliating...

Arrange personal injury insurance (mandatory requirement)
All clubs are required to have a minimum level of personal injury insurance in place through before the affiliation can be completed. For clubs affiliating with Essex FA, the county will subsidise the cost of this when using the appointed broker, Sportsguard. 
Get in touch with Essex FA with any queries about this
By 15th July

Club Information Form
Complete and submit Club Information Form and Membership Agreement electronically to provide us with all of the information we require for the club directory this season. The link for this is below: 

Home Pitch & Dates Available
During the summer you will need to procure a suitable home football pitch with changing facilities for the season ahead and make a booking with the hirer for a period of September through to April at least. For the Senior Division, this should also include August and May.

Once you have confirmation of the venue being made available to you, you will need to submit your pitch availability information to the Fixtures Secretary. This will be done via an electronic system via the link below: 

By 15th August

Annual league fees
For new clubs joining the league this season, annual league fees of £70 must be paid by 15th August into the league’s bank account which is as follows:

Metro Bank     A/C #: 23354904    Sort Code: 23-05-80

Please ensure you include your club’s name as a payment reference. Clubs will not be permitted to commence fixtures until the fees are settled.

Mon 21st August, 7.30pm 

Attend Pre-Season Clubs Meeting

All clubs are required to attend the pre-season meeting at Dagenham & Redbridge FC, commencing at 7.30pm, where crucial information and documentation will be issued.

Please ensure that somebody from your club is able to attend.

No later than 7 days before 1st fixture

Register players onto the Club Portal.
You should have a login for the system as it would have been made during the process of affiliating -

All teams must have at least 11 players registered with the league at least 7 days prior to your first fixture. You can of course register as many players as you want/need after this also. The window closes again on 31st March.

During the season 

First Saturday in September

First set of League fixtures get underway for sides available to start!

Fixtures for the Senior Division commence on the 3rd Saturday in August.

By 1st March

Last date to make requests for weeks off during the season. No further requests will be accepted following this date.

By 31st March

Any trophies from the previous season should be returned to a League official in a clean and re-presentable condition.

All player registrations and transfers must have been made by this date. No further business can be conducted after this point except with prior approval of the Management Committee in extreme circumstances.

Existing clubs should confirm their membership for the following season.

Clubs intending to apply for promotion to or from the Senior Division, those intending to withdraw, provisionally or otherwise, should make the League aware by this date.

Any rule change proposals for the forthcoming season must be lodged with the League.

All correspondance should be directed to General Secretary, Barry Fitzgerald, at the following address:

Monday 24th June, 7.30pm

Attend the league’s AGM

The league’s AGM takes will take place at Dagenham & Redbridge FC in June and you will receive a formal invitation along with the relevant paperwork no less than 14 days prior to the AGM. All clubs must be represented as the divisions will be agreed and rule changes voted upon, crucial issues that will require your input.