Forms & Downloads

The below list of documents may be downloaded and used as directed. If in doubt, please get in contact with us.

Player Authentication Form Download
Form to be used when querying the identity of a player(s) of your opponents on a matchday.
FA International Clearance Form Download
Form to be completed and returned to the FA for any player previously playing outside of England and needing international clearance from their respective football association
Club Information Form Download
Form for clubs to complete and submit each year confirming their contact information and agreement to membership terms
Player Transfer Form Download
Form to be used for beginning the transfer process for players moving between clubs in the Essex Alliance League
Player Registrations Guide - Whole Game System Download
Guide for clubs on registering players using the Whole Game System
Player Registration Form for the Whole Game System Download
Form for collecting player registration data before inputting it onto the Whole Game System
COVID 19 Risk Assessment Download
Template risk assessment that clubs can base their own risk assessments on for the return to football action. Clubs are free to adapt and amend to their own requirements
Pre-Match Team Sheet Download
Pre-match team sheet form to download and print in an emergency if you run out of triplicate sheets. Note that you will still need to complete three copies of this form to provide a copy to the referee, your opposition and to retain a copy yourselves.
FA National League System Regulations Download
FA Referee Body Camera Trial Privacy Policy Download
DBS application and verification process Download
Information for clubs requiring the DBS application and verification process for individuals working with under-18 players

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