Upcoming deadlines for EAL clubs

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With the 2016/2017 football season starting in just a couple of weeks, we remind clubs of some upcoming deadlines and dates for your diaries.
August Clubs Meeting
Firstly, there is a Clubs Meeting next Tuesday 23rd August 2016 at Dagenham & Redbidge FC, starting at 7.30pm, which all clubs are required to attend. At this meeting we will hand out handbooks for the season, provide guidance to club secretaries and conduct the cup draws for the Fenton Cup.
Player registrations
Thank you for those clubs who have already submitted player registration forms. Be reminded that the deadline for having a minimum of 11 player registrations in with the Registrations Secretary is 1st September. This is of particular importance to clubs who have fixtures starting on 3rd September.
Take the opportunity at next Tuesday's meeting to hand in any player registration forms you have
League fees
Thank you to those sides who have already settled their league fees invoices for the season. If you haven't already done so, fees must be paid before commencing fixtures so don't delay in getting your fees to the Treasurer.
The Treasurer will be in attendance at Tuesday's meeting next week if you would like to speak with him or make a payment.