EAL now accepting player registration forms electronically

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We are pleased to confirm that the Essex Alliance League are now accepting player registration forms electronically for the coming season. This is aimed at alleviating the persistent issues of documents getting lost in the postal system, the cost of using Royal Mail and providing a more time-efficient process.
Player registration forms may now be e-mailed directly to Rob Parker, Registrations Secretary, on regs@essexallianceleague.com instead of the usual postal service (which remains available for those wishing to use it). This can be a scanned document or a photo of the form using a camera phone in either JPEG or PDF format.
Please note the following points regarding registration forms being submitted by e-mail:
- Only registration forms EMAILED to Rob on regs@essexallianceleague.com will be accepted - please do not send forms by other electronic means;
- All forms must be fully completed and include signatures of the player and an official of the submitting club;
- Emergency matchday registration forms must additionally contain a countersignatory from your opponents on the submitted form;
- Form submissions must be legible with all parts of the form clearly visible;
- Existing submission deadlines apply (Wednesday midnight);
Should any of the above requirements not be met, the submission will be rejected by the league and will need to be re-submitted.
Confirmed registrations will appear, as usual, on your club's page of the website along with the automatic e-mail notification that gets sent out each day. Any player NOT appearing on the website is NOT ELIGIBLE to play in the league.
All clubs have been issued with player registration forms for this season but if you require additional forms, they are available on the Forms & Documents page of the website.
Please direct any queries regarding player registrations to Rob Parker.