Changes to the Laws of the Game

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Each year, IFAB, the custodians of the laws within our sport make a number of changes or clarifications and we have summarised below the key ones for the 2020/21 season.
- Law 10 - Determining the Outcome of a Match -
Yellow cards and warnings are no longer carried into a penalty shootout; - Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct -
The area of the arm from the top of the shoulder down to level with the armpit is no longer classified as handball;
‘accidental’ handball by an attacking player (or team-mate) is only penalised if it occurs ‘immediately’ before a goal or clear goal-scoring opportunity;
Any offence (not only a foul) which ‘interferes with or stops a promising attack’ should result in a yellow card;
A player who fails to respect the 4m required distance at a dropped ball should receive a yellow card;
If the referee plays advantage or allows a ‘quick’ free kick for an offence which ‘interfered with or stopped a promising attack’, the yellow card is not issued; - Law 14 - The Penalty Kick -
An offence by the goalkeeper is not penalised if a penalty kick misses the goal or rebounds from the goal (without a touch from the goalkeeper) unless the offence clearly affected the kicker
The goalkeeper is warned for the first offence butit is a yellow card for any further offence(s);
The kicker is penalised if the goalkeeper and the kicker offend at exactly the same time;
For more detailed explanation of these law changes coming into effect, you can visit the IFAB website and read their supporting documents.