Build up to first weekend of fixtures begins

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With the season less than a week away, we provide secretaries and referees with information for the week ahead.
Confirming of matches
The first secretarial duties of the season fall upon the home team secretaries of teams playing next Saturday who must make contact with opponents and appointed referee tomorrow (Monday). You need to confirm the venue being used, any relevant parking information and shirt colours (in case of a clash).
For the benefit of any new secretaries this season, take a look at our very useful Secretary Diary which gives a Monday-Sunday breakdown of what is expected of a club secretary in a match week.
Kick-off times
Please be aware that all kick-off times this season are 2pm throughout the season. This applies to all EAL league and league cup competition matches. If you are taking part in external competitions (county cups etc), this may be different in those competitions.
Player registrations
Thank you to those clubs who have already submitted player registrations. These will be processed this week and will appear on your club’s page in the Clubs Directory once processed and accepted. If the player does not appear on this list, they are NOT eligible to take part in fixtures so please enquire with the Registrations Secretary if you have any queries.
If you have not submitted player registrations and have a game next Saturday, forms must be with the Registrations Secretary by this coming Wednesday for them to be eligible to take part except in the case of emergency registrations (see below).
Emergency registrations - clubs may make a maximum of 3 emergency matchday player registrations. These forms must be countersigned by your opponents BEFORE the match and posted to the Registrations Secretary by the following Wednesday.
Repeated (roll-on, roll-off) substitutes
For those new to the League, please be aware that repeated substitutions are allowed within both league and league cup matches. Five substitutes can be named and all five can be used on a rolling basis. A player substituted becomes a substitute themselves and can re-take the field later in the match.
We welcome onboard our match officials for the season ahead, without whom, we would not be able to complete any fixtures. All of our registered referees this season will receive e-mail instructions and guidelines this week with regards to submitting match reports electronically.
If you do not receive an email from us by the end of the week, please get in touch with us.
Calling/texting in match results & submitting of result e-cards
In EAL league and league cup matches, the HOME team must call or text in the result of the match by 6pm on the day of the match to Barry Fitzgerald on 07786 891093.
In outside competition matches, BOTH teams must call or text in the result of the match by 6pm on the day of the match to Barry Fitzgerald on 07786 891093.
For the E-Card system, all new club secretaries will be receiving logins this week for the EAL website portal which you will need to submit your result e-cards which provides us with appearance and goalscorer information along with markings for your referee and the pitch/facilities. If you do not receive an email from us by the end of the week, please get in touch with us.
If you’re an existing club, your current login remains effective for this season.
Anything else?
If there is anything else you are not sure of, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the league’s management committee who will always endeavour to give you an answer to your question.