Upcoming deadlines to be aware of

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With the 2020/2021 football season starting in just a few weeks, we remind clubs of some upcoming deadlines and dates for your diaries.
All clubs will have been sent a link to enable them to submit the dates that their pitch is available this season in addition to any dates that you would like to request off. This information is crucial in enabling our Fixtures Secretary to compile the opening fixture list so don't delay in returning this information.
We know that many of you have already done this but, if you haven't yet done so, please get in touch with Tony McGrath (Fixtures Secretary) if there is some delay in being able to provide this information to him. We cannot formulate the fixtures for the opening weeks of the season without a significant return of pitch dates from clubs so please provide this information promptly when you receive it.
Thank you to those clubs who have already submitted player registrations on the Whole Game System in the past few weeks. Be reminded that the deadline for having a minimum of 11 player registrations completed in WGS and accepted by the league is 1st September. You can of course sign further players after this date but you must have at least 11 completed by the deadline.
For any queries regarding registrations, please contact Rob Parker (Registrations Secretary).
We will shortly be issuing login details to all new club secretaries in the league for this coming season which will provide you with the access you need to submit your result e-cards each week during the season when league matches commence.
If you are an existing secretary within the league, your same login details from last season remain in operation.
At present, we are awaiting a change to guidelines on large groups meeting before we can arrange a date for our usual pre-season clubs meeting where match balls can be handed out to everybody. As soon as we have arranged this, we will of course let you know.