RIP David Flatt

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It is with much sadness that we report the sad passing of league Life Vice President, David Flatt.
Many of you will know David well from his years spent with the Essex Alliance League as Treasurer until a few years ago when the reigns were handed over to Pat, David opting to step away from frontline duties. He continued to spend, as he always had, his Saturday afternoons watching Essex Alliance League games, with summer visits to Chelmsford to watch Essex play cricket.
It was in 2023 that David was proposed and accepted as Life Vice President for the league, something which he was extremely proud of and in recognition of the time he committed down the years to both leagues.
His involvement with football goes back much further of course with his roles at Wheelers FC, an east London based club, who spent time with both the Ilford & District Football League and Essex Business Houses Football League.
It was during his time as a club official that the Essex Business Houses Football League, seeking volunteers to join the committee, identified David’s prowess with numbers following decades of experience as an accountant, and was appointed league treasurer, a role he then carried forward into the Essex Alliance League upon amalgamation.
More recently, David continued his volunteering duties with the Essex Sunday Corinthian Football League, once again answering the call when help was needed.
The league wishes to offer it’s sincerest condolences to David’s family, friends and colleagues at this difficult time.
There will be a minute silence taking place ahead of this evening’s Division Three Cup Final at Dagenham & Redbridge FC.