Parklife project at Parsloes Park progressing well

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The League met with representatives from the Football Foundation and Essex County FA recently to discuss the progress of the new Parklife facility being established at Parsloes Park in Dagenham.
The plans have now been successfully approved by the local authority and the project is going out soon to tender with prospective construction firms for the initial build and for an operator to manage the site once opened. Assuming this is completed within the timescale planned, construction of the 3G pitches is planned to begin in early 2020 with these being ready for use in August/September of next year.
The "pavillion" building, which largely covers the footprint of the existing building, is planned to include a gymnasium along with hospitality and meeting room facilities. This will take a little longer to construct with this planned for opening in January 2021, all being well.
The Essex Alliance League remain fully committed to the programme and will continue to be involved in the planning as a key partner at the site enabling our clubs to make use of the 3G and surrounding grass pitches once they are in operation.