League fixtures to resume on 5th December

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Following a meeting of the league's Management Committee, we are pleased to confirm that league fixtures will resume at the earliest opportunity, presently Saturday 5th December. This is of course still reliant on no further interference from either COVID or weather.
With a chunk of the season now lost and with county cups confirmed as continuing, this now places a severe strain on the arrangement of fixtures for the rest of the season with all games needing to be completed by 31st May 2021. It will therefore be even more necessary than usual for clubs to take part in midweek fixtures and be available for matches in May in order to catch up with lost time. There are already clubs with more games to play than weeks left in the season.
Club secretaries will shortly be e-mailed by the league with further details on the arrangements and notification of a Special General Meeting to be held in December to vote on rule change proposals should the season not reach a conclusion in the timescale allowed.